Harrisville Massage Therapy
Massage Therapy Serving Harrisville
Serving Harrisville Residents
The Healing House Massage Center located in Harrisville has all types of massages services. Our therapist are all certified, insured, and licensed in the Harrisville area and use massage therapy to help with many different issues. Massages help with injury, anxiety, stress, and many other problems. Our certified staff is able to sit down with you and discuss the advantages each massage and what we would recommend. If you are interested in having a wonderful experience, give us a call today!
Massages are one of the few things that are a benefit to everyone. Why waste your whole day running around when you could take an hour out for yourself and enjoy a nice massage at our Harrisville office. Our massages are here to take a works week of stress away. Our therapist also use massage therapy to help with chronic pain as well as work or sports related injuries. We even have massages for headaches and prenatal symptoms. The Healing House Massage Center also offers foot zoning as well as Shiatsu reflexology. These are specialty messages that work on certain areas of your body to make you feel better both outside and inside.

Foot Zoner
We Now have a Certified Foot Zoner!
This is a holistic approach that shows you the connection of your entire muscle and circulation system.
Aroma Therapy
Uplift your senses with essential oils!
Essential oils will be added to massage lotion and applied to the skin as well as used for aroma therapy.